Saturday, May 29, 2010

gebrettert With 118 km / h through the city

Düren - He had evidently in a hurry! A 23-year-old motorist has been pulled by the police Düren from circulation.
He was in a tempo-50 zone with 118 km per hour on the road - on icy roads.
His misconduct is available on the Raser expensive. After the force since early February, he must pay neuenBußgeldkatalog € 900 penalty. In addition, it expects a multi-month driving ban.
Shortly after the 23-year-old police raser Another small one went into the trap at same place was a cab stopped with pace 98th Den42-year-old taxi driver and offers a fine entry restrictions as well.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Legally that is not regulated

The restaurant usually has a good will. But thing is certain: "There is no statutory right to a free glass of water. Strictly speaking, also a service. "It says Philip Rust, spokesman for the Association DeHoGa restaurants.
But: "The clear majority of pubs and restaurants makes for baby food or for the ingestion of drugs, of course, free water." That is service, even if no legal obligation exists. Rust: "One would assume that this is a matter of course."
This experience also have Jessica (28) and Raphael (26) made Joliet. If the young parents with son Emil (1) the move, there's always hot water for preparing baby food. "I ask for at kiosks or restaurants," says Jessica. "They look so, that we are traveling with children and the need. Since then, no one wants to have money. Only a kiosk called for even 50 cents. "
Lina Hampel (22) said even: "I order often in discos and pubs tap water. That was far more free. "

Monday, May 17, 2010

Iran plans to 800 km long maglev line

Tehran - Nearly two years after the disaster at the Transrapid test track (23 deaths) in Lathen, there is new hope for a successful future of the maglev.
Iran has instructed the Munich-based engineering firm Schlegel with the planning of a 800-kilometer route.
The Iranian route is to connect the capital Tehran to the pilgrimage city of Mashad. Currently run by Iran's information here about 20 million passengers per year. The journey for dieBusse currently amounts to here about two days and for conventional trains nearly nine hours. The Transrapid will only need three hours. Mashad is a major Shiite pilgrimage.
 The project in Iran has a circumference of about twelve billion euros, the line will be ready in eight years.
 The engineering firm will now try to act as the companies Siemens and ThyssenKrupp Transrapid holders of patents and licenses to get on board. should be funded the project, according to Klein of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Thyssen Krupp Werner Bechtel spokesman said: "We are aware of an agreement with Iran, nothing." About possible opportunities for eineMitwirkung in the project he wanted to say not.
Siemens spokesman Peter Gottal said: "We do not know the project. With us, no one has spoken." It understands the railway from Tehran to Mashad but would just electrified. The blade is not as if there was a planned Transrapid.
 Read also: The end for the Transrapid! > 23 deaths: driver and control center are to blame! >

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kö-arm but with the long tunnel

Dusseldorf - It's out: The first section of the Kings-arm cost 143 million euros. OB Erwin's critics within his own ranks have prevailed with the longer north-south tunnel solution until the Jägerhofstraße. Joachim Erwin, presented on Monday a draft resolution, on which the Council on 13 December will be discussed.
The Council agrees in principle decision, are paving the way for "the big Y" set - as Mayor Erwin called the century building in the new transport systems around the Jan Wellem place and planned Kö-Bogen. Here is the new Trinkaus-formed bank. The traffic engineering work could as early as next year, but begin not earlier than the expiry of the tender period of 52 days.
What is new addition to the long north-south tunnel (extra cost 38.5 million euros) but also an underground connection of the playhouse and the three-disc home to the north-south tunnel. However there are a "substantial" cost risk exists because the connection requires that the agreement of the current or future owners, and the air outside the three-disc high-rise "expensive rebuilt" is.
OB Joachim Erwin sees the citizens' protests to date with 5,000 signatures against the sale of Jan Wellem square "forward calmly." For him it was a 'gathering, with which one wants to make policy. " 13,600 signatures are required for a citizens' petition.
The initiative, which also includes the former Landtagsabgeordnete Brigitte Speth (SPD) wants to achieve greater citizen participation and an overall planning concept.
  The construction of the Wehrhahnlinie is now begun. Only in the second phase, which has yet to be decided, the millipedes will be demolished.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

U.S. Governor Sanford rushes over sex scandal

Columbia - They preach decency, they take it home so not as accurate:
If the Sexgier governed by politicians, the scandal is not far away. Now, it caught the conservative governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford (49) - currently a hot candidate for the next presidential elections.
The Republicans stayed six days office and home away to give himself his Argentinean lover. His spokesman asserted: The hike is only ...
Berge has certainly seen the good man in Argentina and also determines some boarded, but had nothing to do with hiking. When they caught him at the airport, he lied boldly: "I did not want to wander. I would rather do something exotic views. "
Yes, he has also confessed to crying and gemacht.Schluchzend Sanford, now that he has really stuck. "I have betrayed my wife," he says sheepishly. "With a dear, dear friend." The longer he knew already - all purely platonic, "then it became this glittering thing."
Not in itself a big thing: cheating husband wife. Not noble, loyal, but not abnormal. But Sanford is a Republican, represents ultra-conservative values, announced loudly as moralists to speak after Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky had admitted. Now, he tripped over a sex scandal.
As just one week before his Republican colleague John Ensign (51) from Nevada, who also had to admit an extramarital relationship. Larry Craig (62), Senator from Idaho, was caught in 2008 by an investigator of an airport toilet, where the Repulikaner made overtures to the officials. Craig gave the police everything, denied later.
Savory: He argued forcefully against gay marriage. The double standards of American politicians is legendary. Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin (45) preaching abstinence for teenagers, while her own daughter pregnant - at 17 was! New York Governor Eliot Spitzer (50) rushed through visits Edelbordell after he had previously acted brutally against prostitution. John Edwards (56), a Democrat and vice-chancellor candidate in U.S. election campaign 2004, betrayed his wife when the fight against cancer.
Even German politicians busied affairs. CSU chief Horst Seehofer (58) fathered with his mistress, Annette Froehlich even a child, then stayed with his wife Karin.
Why risk seasoned politicians and family call when they know that they are being observed? "Did you reach a certain position of power think that they stand above the fray," says psychologist and couples therapist Volker van den Boom. The political professionals establish themselves in such cases, two worlds. "In one they preach this, they live in that home," says van den Boom. "As men of power may be quite separate and feel good about it - until the thing blows up."
Then it depends on the response of the Sexgier of the governed. "Is he about this, he can come with a black eye like this," says van den Boom. However, if you previously had the supreme upholder of moral standards can hang out, can not usually expect forgiveness. That is why Mark Sanford resigned on Thursday as well.
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